The below is a true story.
Once upon a time, in the bustling halls of Accenture, there roamed a corporate monkey named Rohan. Armed with spreadsheets and a tie tighter than a hangman’s noose, I spent years swinging from one meeting to another, typing away on a keyboard like a caffeinated chimpanzee.
But after a year backpacking across South and Central America, Europe and South West Africa, I knew my time in the corporate world had to come to an end.
At my first day back, inspiration struck like a rogue PowerPoint slide: I decided to don a disguise that would make Bruce Wayne proud. And not just any Batman suit, mind you, but one with a cape billowing dramatically behind like it had a fan club of its own. Batman Begins was running at the cinemas back then and I needed no further inspiration.
As the clock struck 5 PM, signalling the end of another soul-crushing workday, I went into the restroom and emerged clad in the darkest of knight attire. With the theme song of Batman Begins playing in my head, I marched straight to the boss’s office, cape swishing with every step.
The boss, startled at the sight of their employee turned caped crusader, stammered, “What in the name of Gotham is going on here?”
With a theatrical flourish, I declared, “I resign! For I am not just a mere mortal trapped in the corporate grind; I am the hero this city deserves, or at least what my camera needs right now.” Batman after all had said, “To make an impression and bring about change, you need to be a bit theatrical”.
And just like that, with a flick of the cape and a bat-symbolic mic drop, I bid adieu to spreadsheets and status meetings, ready to embark on a new adventure, one where the only Excel they’d be dealing with would involve plotting the coordinates of my wonderful photoshoot locations.